Category Archives: General

My Sandals

No, I am in fact not homeless.

Nearly everyone it seems was very concerned about my sandals.  It was rare I would carry out a conversation with someone I had just met or friends I hadn’t seen in sometime without being questioned about my sandals. The story goes like this..

My brother and I were about to go to Europe and I decided I needed some new sandals, I found my way to the Target store and found some I liked.  They looked similar to rainbows, were comfortable, and cost $10, needless to say I was sold. We depart on our adventure.

By the time we get to Rome, we’ve walked many a mile, primarily in sandals, and my left one has started to acquire a hole in the heel.  This is ridiculous, I just bought these, and they cost me a whole $10.  There is no way I’m throwing these out yet. So, I kept wearing them and the hole steadily grew.  They’ve traveled from Spain to London and to Paris and Rome, Las Vegas to the Grand Canyon, numerous trips to the beach, a vacation in Mexico, New York City, San Fransisco, Australia and New Zealand. Finally, it was time that they retired, in Australia they had acquired a new whole and the left one had grown to biblical proportions (maybe not). So they were ceremoniously replaced (not really) with a new pair at the end of my Australian experience.

The new ones are pretty typical australian — havaianas are everywhere there.  Hopefully this pair lasts as well as the one it replaces..

Google Voice goes Live!

I just got an email in my gmail account from Grand Central about upgrading to Google Voice.  I just performed the upgrade and I’m pretty excited about the new features offered by Google Voice.

Grand Central for those who don’t know was a service (bought by google) that provides a single phone number for you, ideally for your whole life. As you move houses or trade cell phones, you can just keep giving people one number to call.  The service had more functionality, such as the ability to ring multiple phones (home and cell), and lots of filtering. They’ve also updated the theme to closely match other Google applications.

Google Voice increases the functionality even further, you can now make outbound calls, send and receive SMS messages, voicemail transcripts, and conference calling among others.  I’m glad to see they are finally working on this service again as I have had limited use of my account for some of the reasons just mentioned.

Privacy could be a concern, their privacy policy swears they’re not evil. Who knows, maybe they’ll sell add space based on my voicemail transcripts? For now at least the trade off seems worth it, the governments always listening anyway right? Might as well benefit 😛

I think the service is still invite only, so if you’re looking for an invite you can leave a comment, if I ever get any, I’ll pass them along. I have no idea if I will.