Summer! Wahoo!

It’s summer which is awesome. I’m working 40 hours a week at Loan to Learn (a student loans place) — ehh not that exciting.

I Got a new camera, Kodak V610. It’s quite nice and I’ll post some pics up from it. I took this video with it, or this one.
Orientation is on the 27th — Let me know if youre going to be in my sessions. Move in August 19th 🙂

The beach was sweet. Nag’s Head is a fun place — it was an awesome week, maybe I’ll post a few pictures, but theyd have to be hijacked cuz i didnt bring a camera. It was almost like being a real teenager 😛 — Dan you know what I’m saying.
I’m writing this from my new macbook which is a really nice computer. Because it features an Intel Core Duo chip it has the ability to run Mac OS X and Windows XP 🙂 I have XP installed and it works well. The crazy color picture was taken using the built in camera with an effect turned on — its a surprisingly good camera.


Life, graduation, the Cavaliers :)

It’s official — next year I’m UVA bound. Along with hundreds of my closest companions I will be going to UVA and am looking forward to it more every day. (and yes, I finally signed up for facebook =/ )
It’s AP week but I’m not too stressed — I’m not going to learn much I don’t already know in the coming days anyway.

I’m not digging this polin by the way, I clean my car and the next day it’s already completely dirty again 🙁

Life keeps going, my bro came in from San Fran and is back to Boston. The end of senior year is approaching and I’m excited 🙂

Don’t really have much new in the way of pictures.. maybe soon..